IChemE announces new Congress members

IChemE announces new Congress members

18th April 2024

The nominations process for Congress, IChemE’s member advisory body, has concluded with 10 nominations received for 10 different Congress seats.

There are no contested seats, so Congress will not proceed to ballot stage this year. The successful candidates will take up their positions with effect from the end of IChemE’s Annual General Meeting on 11 June 2024.

Chair of Congress, Rob Peeling FIChemE, said: “I’m delighted to welcome a broad range of new voices to Congress together with those who have volunteered for Congress for a further term and I’m looking forward collaborating with these new members over the next 12 months.

“Congress acts as a sounding board, advising the Board of Trustees on matters of interest to IChemE and its members, as well as providing the members' view to the Institution on strategic initiatives. Our Congress volunteers not only support and influence the Institution to meet members’ needs but are also making a valuable contribution to chemical engineering as a whole. I am greatly encouraged to see more people are willing to serve on Congress and contribute to the continuing development of our Institution.”

The successful Congress candidates are:

Regional College Seats 

Australia - James McMillan Shorthouse

Rest of World - Padraig Collins

South Africa - Michael Olawale Daramola

UK South East - Chris Park

UK South West - Tanmoy Maitra

Functional College Seats

Student - Alina Tony

Early Career - Jonathan Vincent

Early Career - Fiona McIntosh

Early Career - Dhruv Singh

Chartered - Francesco Del Giudice

Learn more about the work of Congress.




For more information please contact:

Ann Baylis, Communications Executive and PR Lead, IChemE
t: +44 (0) 1788 534477
e: abaylis@icheme.org

Dan Owens, Communications Executive, IChemE  
t: +44 (0) 1788 534458  
e: dowens@icheme.org

What is chemical engineering?

Chemical, biochemical and process engineering is the application of science, mathematics and economics in the process of turning raw materials into everyday, and more specialist, products. Professional chemical engineers design, construct and manage process operations all over the world. Energy, pharmaceuticals, food and drink, synthetic fibres and clean drinking water are just some of the industry sectors and products where chemical engineering plays a central role.


The Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) advances chemical engineering's contribution for the benefit of society. We facilitate the development of chemical engineering professionals and provide connections to a powerful network of around 30,000 members in more than 100 countries.

We support our members in applying their expertise and experience to make an influential contribution to solving major global challenges, and are the only organisation permitted to award Chartered Chemical Engineer status and Professional Process Safety Engineer registration.