IChemE’s Strategy28+ sets the Institution’s direction for the next five years and beyond, with the aim of putting chemical and process engineering at the heart of a sustainable future.
The Board of Trustees is the governing body of the Institution of Chemical Engineers.
The Executive Team, led by Chief Executive Officer Yvonne Baker, is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Institution.
The Member Engagement Committee was formed to bring a member focus to IChemE’s strategic aim to be acknowledged as a peer group leader in which an engaged membership receives and adds value.
The Membership & Qualifications Committee is responsible for the role of the Institution as a qualifying body.
The Learned Society Committee (LSC) will give strategic direction to IChemE’s technical priorities and steer IChemE’s activities as a learned society.
Congress is a member-elected advisory body of Institution of Chemical Engineers.
The Commercial Committee has oversight of the Institution’s commercial activity and delivery of its commercial strategy.