Josh Fearns
Josh Fearns, a chemical engineering graduate of the University of Surrey, UK was awarded the 2022 Ashok Kumar Fellowship.
He completed his Master of Engineering (MEng) in Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. His research focussed on the use of stochastic programming - an optimisation framework that deals with decision-making under uncertainty - for applying probabilities to variables like natural gas price that may be random in the future. His modelling aims to enable mitigation strategies to be put in place when values change and allow policy-makers to have more confidence in more accurate results.
Josh began his fellowship in early 2023 working alongside parliamentarians and decision-makers to produce a briefing note on the topic of data science skills. His briefing note (POSTnote), Data science skills in the UK workforce, looks at specialist data skills in the UK, including artificial intelligence. It considers demand and supply, workforce demographics, challenges, and initiatives to increase supply.
My time as an Ashok Kumar Fellow
15 June 2023
In this webinar, Josh talks about his experience as an Ashok Kumar Fellow and what he gained from it. He also talks about the application process and gives tips for writing a briefing document.
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