Practical advice on searching and applying for jobs
The webinars, resources and articles listed below offer practical advice and guidance on how to write a CV, how to prepare for an interview, what to expect from psychometric tests and assessment centres and much more.
Job-hunters' Survival Kit
This booklet contains loads of useful information for those looking for jobs, creating a CV, or attending interviews.
Career solutions webinars session 1: Transferable skills
The transferable skills session covers soft skills that are crucial for success.
Career solutions webinars session 2: CV and cover letter
Session two covers how to tailor a compelling CV and cover letter.
Career solutions webinars session 3: Using LinkedIn to improve personal branding and digital fluency
Session three covers the benefits of using LinkedIn.
Career solutions webinars session 4: Job search strategy
Session four covers what makes an effective job search.
Career solutions webinars session 5: Interview techniques
Session five covers to how to prepare for interviews.
Career solutions webinars session 6: Coaching, mentoring and neuro linguistics programming (NLP)
Session six covers the differences between mentoring and coaching.