Palm Oil Processing

POPSIG Research Project Bursary

Update: The deadline of the application for the 2024 award is on 31 August 2023. (Rev: 20 March 2023)


Palm Oil Processing Special Interest Group (POPSIG) is constantly committed to promoting palm oil-related researches among undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. POPSIG Research Project Bursary offers up to a maximum of RM6,000 per project to students undertaking 6-month original research related to the palm oil sector, included but not limited to the following themes:

  • responsible production in palm oil-related sectors (sustainability, climate change, environmental protection)
  • risk management within palm oil-related sectors
  • digitalisation of palm oil-related processing.

Projects can be stand-alone or can complement existing work. Applicant must declare any financial support for the project received from other sources.


The deadline of the submission is by 23:59 on 31 August every year. Please submit the two required documents to The outcome will be announced to the successful candidate via email within two months from the closing date of application.

General information


  • Applicant must be students registered with a Higher Education Institution
  • Applicants must be undertaking original research
  • Both undergraduate and postgraduate students are eligible to apply

Duration of project

Maximum of six months from the bursary award date.


Reviewers are asked to pay particular attention to the following aspects of an application when undertaking their review:

  • The project’s contribution to the advancement of the palm oil sector.
  • The degree to which the project is innovative and original.
  • The feasibility of the project within the time frame and the method used is appropriate and comprehensively demonstrated.
  • Evidence of sufficient planning in terms of health and safety, ethical clearance and permissions.
  • Awareness showed on the relevant environmental, social and cultural responsibilities and impacts of the project.
  • Topics which include laboratory studies, simulation/computational studies, desktop reviews are welcomed. Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary topics are also encouraged. 
  • Justification of resources and the degree to which the budget is reasonable, appropriate and sufficiently detailed.
  • The committee's decision is final, and the committee reserves the right not to award the bursary if no suitable entry was identified.

Deadline for the coming cycle to be updated to 31 August 2024.

Full details

View the PDF here.

Application process

Applications with the two required documents below should be submitted by email to the by 23:59 on the deadline date stated above using the application form provided. Please put the subject of email as "POPSIG Research Project Bursary".

1. Application form

2. Referee statements

References form a critical part of the judging process. Two referee statements are required and one must be from your undergraduate/postgraduate supervisor. The referee statement (maximum one-page each) must be submitted directly by the referee to before the deadline date. Note that the applications will not be processed without the receipt of referee statements.


As part of receiving the bursary, the successful recipients have to:

  • Present findings in a POPSIG evening talk/webinar at the end of the awarded period, as scheduled by POPSIG.
  • Contribute a POPSIG newsletter article on the funded work within eight (8) months from the award date.
  • The research finding must be documented and submitted to a journal within ten (10) months from the award date.
  • Acknowledge POPSIG Research Project Bursary and KL-Kepong Industrial Holdings Sdn Bhd in all presentations and publications (internal and external) related to the funded work. This includes, but is not limited to, websites, books, academic papers, oral presentations/speeches and press coverage.


KL-Kepong Industrial Holdings Sdn Bhd.

Data protection

Your information will be treated in the strictest confidence and will only be used in connection with your application. Your data will not be shared with any third parties. If successful, information about your project, including names of participants and affiliated organisations, will be published on our website and may be used to promote POPSIG’s grants programme.

Please email your query to