John Riddick
John has over 33 years strategic and operational HSE management (UK and international) experience in the chemical, polymer, pharmaceutical, oil and gas, CCS, energy generation and supply, mining, process, aluminium, transportation, pulp and paper, etc., and the public sectors, including a time spent in regulatory enforcement. His process safety expertise includes: optimisation of management systems; MOC; strategy, policy and technical standards; Safety Case/Report and MAPP; Safety in Design; training and development; leadership coaching; human factors, leading hazard studies (PHA, HAZIDS, LOPA, HAZOPS, etc.), audits and project reviews; developing KPIs; as well as technical safety engineering consultancy.
He has a BSc (Chem.), PGCE and MSc (Nuclear Eng.) from the Universities of Wales and Manchester.
John is the Director of Caldbeck Process Safety Inc., a consultancy based out of Calgary providing both national and international consultancy services. He is also a Professional Process Safety Engineer, CChem, FRSC and a TUV Rheinland Functional Safety Expert. John is also the an IChemE assessor for reviewing IChemE Chartered Chemical Engineer applications (CEng, MIChemE, CSci, etc.); and is the Secretary for the IChemE/CSChE Canada Members Group. John is also the Canadian International Representative for the Royal Society of Chemistry."
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