Responsible consumption and production

In focus: Responsible consumption and production

The following selected resources support SDG 12 knowledge and will equip you with up-to-date sustainability related information and tools.

Please note: Some of these links will take you to an external source. Whilst these have been reviewed by our Technical Advisory Group, they do not necessarily represent the opinions and view of IChemE.

Journal of Food and Bioproducts Processing

Journal of Food and Bioproducts Processing

NOVEMBER 2023. The food industry urgently needs to design sustainability into its processes. Here the authors develop a methodological framework for the eco-design of food processes. This paper was recognised as a stand-out approach and has won IChemE's Junior Moulton Medal.

Niras and Innocent - the world’s most sustainable drinks factory

Niras and Innocent - the world’s most sustainable drinks factory

NOVEMBER 2023. This article discusses a project to build the world’s most sustainable healthy drinks factory. Starting from evaluation stage, design and build the plant. The plant is meeting and exceeding new sustainability standards.

Disruptive change - Transportation

Disruptive change - Transportation

OCTOBER 2023. RethinkX report on transportation. This is a good example of how technology innovation drives disruptive rates of rapid market and behaviour change - yielding huge benefits and impacts for industry and society.

Heng Hiap’s 'Plashaus' closing the loop & advancing plastic recycling in malaysia

Heng Hiap’s 'Plashaus' closing the loop & advancing plastic recycling in malaysia

OCTOBER 2023. The role of metals (eg lithium and cobalt) in renewable energy within a circular economy context. General observations of the role of chemical engineers in the circular economy and the transition to a low-carbon renewable energy future.

Food supply disruption from 2022 to 2030

Food supply disruption from 2022 to 2030

JULY 2022. The cost of modern proteins will be five times cheaper by 2030 and 10 times cheaper by 2035 than existing animal proteins, before ultimately approaching the cost of sugar. As described in this report produced by RethinkX, by 2030, modern food products will be higher quality and cost less than half as much to produce as the animal-derived products they replace, which will have strong implications for the cattle industry.

Using industrial digital technologies to drive circular economy implementation

Using industrial digital technologies to drive circular economy implementation

MAY 2022. In this article produced by Fisher et al., using industrial digital technologies (IDT), circular material flows are demonstrated within waste valorisation and process resilience manufacturing systems towards sustainable process manufacturing. With two case studies of application included, the knowledge gap to integrate IDTs to achieve a circular economy is addressed.

Circular chemical economy

Circular chemical economy

APRIL 2022. The National Interdisciplinary Centre for the Circular Chemical Economy (CircularChem) brings together the quadruple helix of stakeholders to transform the UK chemical industry based on the circular economy model. The overall novelty of the programme is the development of a sector-wide solution with deep circularity interventions, focusing on the resources flow of olefin — the raw material for 70% of all organic chemical production. Find out more through the CircularChem website.

Consumption – driving and defining issues of the future

Consumption – driving and defining issues of the future

MARCH 2022. Watch the recording of the ChemEng Evolution webinar with an introduction by Malcolm Wilkinson, Chair of the Sustainability SIG and a panel discussion on the theme of consumption and how chemical engineers should respond. Held on the 16 February 2022, this session formed part of the sustainability and environment themed month of IChemE's centenary celebrations where ideas and solutions being developed for a hopeful future are discussed.

In focus: Responsible consumption and production archive

In focus: Responsible consumption and production archive

For more information and tools, visit the archive.