Sustainable development knowledge


The Sustainability Hub has a growing collecting of training courses ready for you to take to further your knowledge and understanding around subjects that can contribute to sustainable development. These courses are currently offered free of charge to IChemE members and for purchase by non-members. We have the following courses available below under the general theme of sustainability. For a full list of the training courses available, visit our training page.

Our courses are designed specifically for chemical engineers. They are delivered online, completed at your own pace, and allow you to learn interactively in bite-sized chunks.


An Introduction to Sustainability

An Introduction to Sustainability

It is important that chemical engineers have a basic understanding of sustainability and their role in it. This course will provide you with an introduction to the key issues and help you to achieve your sustainability goals. 

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Ethical Decision-making for Chemical Engineers

Ethical Decision-making for Chemical Engineers

Ethical decision-making is a vital part of a chemical engineer’s responsibility.  This course will equip you with the basic knowledge you need to understand and make ethical decisions

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