Stage 3: Professional Review
Prepare your application
The main part of the Stage 3 application is the Competence and Commitment (C&C) Report. All three grade and registration levels (EngTech, IEng, CEng) follow the same framework but expectations increase for the respective levels. In support of your application, you should also provide C&C report verification, a CV, and a photo ID. For Chartered Member applications, two references are also required.
Please read the full guidance document when preparing your Stage 3 application. If you have any questions about your application, please contact the membership team by email or by calling +44 (0) 1788 578214.
Documents for Chartered Member (CEng) applications
Documents for Technician Member (EngTech) applications
Find a mentor
If your company has an IChemE accredited/approved training scheme, you will be linked with a more senior member of staff who will act as your mentor. Even if you are not on one of these schemes, most employers will help you find a mentor within the company. We recommend identifying senior colleagues in the first instance, perhaps with input from your line manager or HR.
If you are in a small company without many chemical engineers, you should approach your IChemE member group (should there be one in your area) as they may be able to help. If you are unable to secure a mentor through your employer or member group, please contact us.
Whoever mentors you, make sure you share the latest guidance with them so that they are familiar with the requirements.
Competence and Commitment Report
The main component of the documentary evidence is a C&C report. The report covers knowledge and understanding; design, development and solving engineering problems; responsibility, management and leadership; communication and interpersonal skills; personal and professional commitment.
Your report must be within the word limit, accurately reflect your own experience, and you must be able to discuss the work described in the report in further depth at interview.
You may find it useful to use the C&C report preparatory template before making your application online (although this is not compulsory). When you are ready to submit your report, you can copy and paste the information you entered in the template directly into your online application You will also need to provide verification of the C&C report, and appropriate references.
"The overall experience has been very positive. The process has been handled very professionally, proficiently with informative and detailed responses through the IPD and C&C Report stages. I would strongly recommend the process to my peers."
Competence and Commitment report verification
As part of the application and assessment process, the experience cited in your C&C report must be verified as a true account by another individual(s) in a position more senior to you at the time of the work referenced. A verifier’s role differs from the referees’ - the referees are supporting the application to membership as a whole, whereas the verifier is confirming the experience cited in your C&C report. However, the same person can act as both your verifier and referee providing they fulfil the requirements for each role.
The person(s) verifying experience should have been in a senior position to you at the time of the work referenced, familiar with the work you were doing at the time. They do not have to be a member of IChemE, a chemical engineer, the referee, your current manager, or in the same country as you. You may provide multiple verifiers if necessary; all sections of the report must be verified.
Your C&C report should be able to stand alone on its own merit, but the CV can be used to help professional reviewers understand your background and provide a more detailed context of any projects or work activities referenced in your report. It is strongly recommended that you prepare a tailored CV, in the first person, to support your application. Although similar to the CV used for a job application, there are stylistic differences to consider.
Please note: this only applies to Chartered Member applications.
In support of your Chartered Member application, references should be provided by two referees who are current IChemE members in the grade of Chartered Member or Fellow. If you're unable to find two IChemE members, one of your referees can be a current member of another Professional Engineering Institution who is Chartered Engineer (CEng) registered with the Engineering Council.
We recommend identifying potential referees at the earliest opportunity when planning your path to Chartered membership and ensuring, as far as possible, that they remain aware of your roles during your professional career. They will have sufficient knowledge of the level of skill, knowledge and experience that is expected of a Chartered Chemical Engineer and will be able to confirm your ability to meet the requirements for Chartered status.
Verifiers of your application who meet the referee requirements may also act as your referee(s).
Your referees must be willing to provide you with a reference, agree to provide IChemE with information, not be a member of your family, and know your role or activities in detail, although they do not necessarily need to work with you currently. They will be asked a number of questions such as the length of time they have known you and in what capacity, whether you are employed in a responsible post in chemical engineering, whether they would recommend your election, with brief comments to support their recommendation.
How can I find a referee?
If you do not know any IChemE Chartered Members or Fellows to support your application, you could try one or more of the following:
- get in touch with recent former colleagues or peers who may be Chartered Members or Fellows;
- meet with your local member group as early as possible to create good connections with local IChemE members, one or two of whom may then be happy to provide you with a reference when the time comes;
- contact your HR department who may hold a list of Chartered employees.
If these approaches are unsuccessful, you should consider finding an IChemE mentor who is able to support your progress to membership and provide you with a suitable reference.