Reasons to join
IChemE sets the standard for chemical engineering through a range of membership grades and registrations for those seeking to improve their professional status, enhance their knowledge and network with peers.
Our qualified member grades are widely recognised and demonstrate professional competence and commitment to employers, policy makers, regulators and society.
Here are just some of the advantages of joining IChemE:
IChemE is the only organisation permitted to award Chartered Chemical Engineer status and the Professional Process Safety Engineer registration.
We are also licensed to award professional registrations by the following bodies:
- Engineering Council (UK): Chartered Engineer (CEng), Incorporated Engineer (IEng) and Engineering Technician (EngTech)
- Science Council (UK): Chartered Scientist (CSci), Registered Scientist (RSci), Registered Science Technician (RSciTech)
- Society for the Environment (UK): Chartered Environmentalist (CEnv)
- ENGINEERS EUROPE: European Engineer (EUR ING)
- Environment Agency (UK): Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme Lead Energy Assessor (ESOS LEA)
In addition to these, IChemE is also an approved assessment entity for Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland (RPEQ) registration on behalf of the Board of Professional Engineers of Queensland (Australia).
As a learned society, IChemE recognises the importance of continued learning and keeping up to date with all the latest industry news and technical knowledge.
All IChemE members receive:
- the latest news and technical articles in The Chemical Engineer magazine and
- online access to IChemE journals such as Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, and Food and Bioproducts Processing
- online subscription to the Loss Prevention Bulletin (LPB), the leading source of process safety case studies
- access to the Knowledge Hub featuring thousands of articles, papers and resources created by IChemE and its members via a single searchable index
- free online access to the Knovel e-library, containing over 300 chemical engineering titles, databases and problem-solving tools
- discounted rates on IChemE conferences and events, training courses, and books.
Being able to connect with like-minded professionals is invaluable. As a member you can:
- engage, collaborate and network via IChemE Connect, our members-only online community
- get access to a supportive network of contacts - join one of 34 regional member groups
- attend technical events and interactive webinars organised by our 19 special interest groups
- influence future thinking on energy, diversity, the bio-economy and more via IChemE's policy work and engagement outreach
- become part of a lively social media community. Join us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube.