
Introduction to HAZOP

Location Delivered in-company

Date To be confirmed

Duration 1 day

Topic Process safety - Hazard identification and risk analysis

CPD Hours 6



This course will help you learn how HAZOP fits into a wider process safety toolkit. You will learn about the technique's strengths, limitations, and when it should be applied, as well as the basics of the process itself.

It includes modules on teamwork, documentation, recording and reporting. A case study is used throughout the course to illustrate the application of the HAZOP technique and provide opportunities for you to experience the technique in action.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course, you will understand:

  • the principles of a HAZOP study
  • the resources required for a study
  • how a HAZOP study progresses
  • the benefits of HAZOP
  • when a full HAZOP would be appropriate.

Who will benefit

  • Anyone new to HAZOP
  • Those who manage/work alongside others in a HAZOP-related role including engineers, scientists, project managers and senior managers

Course outline

  • HAZOP origins and applications
  • HAZOP technique – an overview
  • Benefits of HAZOP within an organisation 

In-company delivery

This course is available for in-company delivery, either on-site or online. Content can be tailored to your specific requirements. Request a quotation.

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Associated courses

HAZOP Study for Team Leaders and Team Members

Practical training for HAZOP team members and new team leaders

Fundamentals of Process Safety

Develop your understanding of the key principles of process safety and its management.

Hazard Identification Techniques

Discover key techniques that can be used to identify process safety risks.

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