IChemE-approved training
IChemE’s knowledge of professional standards, close involvement with industry, education and regulators, and our own expertise as a leading global training provider, means we are uniquely positioned to independently assess and approve training courses and professional development programmes across the world.
Why get your training approved?
- Benchmark your training against the highest international standards
- Demonstrate the quality of your training endorsed by IChemE
- Enhance your reputation of your training services in the chemical and process industries
- Support your growth, including expansion into new international markets
- Access IChemE's advertising channels to promote your brand and services (additional fees applicable – offered at IChemE's discretion).
Features of IChemE course approval
Peer review
An independent assessment of your training course and materials bench-marked against IChemE’s internationally recognised professional standards and other high quality learning programmes.
An improvement and development review process to help you meet IChemE approval standards. This service includes up to three reviews.
Full approval for three years
IChemE training approval is granted for up to three years from formal written notification of your successful application.
IChemE brand endorsement
All approved training courses are allowed to use the official IChemE approval graphic. Several graphics will be issued to cover the three year approval period, including usage guidance.
CPD allocation
To encourage and support voluntary and mandatory Continuing Professional Development (CPD), IChemE will indicate a recommended number of CPD hours for all relevant approved training courses.
Non-disclosure and confidentiality agreement
To protect your copyright and materials, IChemE will sign a non-disclosure and confidentiality agreement before the peer review process begins.
Contact us
+44 (0)1788 534431 / scapproval@icheme.org