Energy Community of Practice
About us
The Energy Community of Practice (Energy CoP) is an international group of members who are keen to:
- build networks, knowledge, and skills;
- share knowledge and engage in joint problem-solving on international challenges to support IChemE members and IChemE strategy; and
- engage with energy policy.
The Energy CoP was formed at the start of 2021 and replaces the Energy Centre. Former members of the Energy Centre are represented on the CoP’s leadership group.
The Energy CoP develops and delivers energy projects that are relevant to the profession, the industries in which chemical, biochemical and process engineers work, and policymakers around the world. The CoP provides expert, evidence-based advice on energy issues, while highlighting the role of chemical engineers in meeting the energy challenges that society faces.
The leadership group’s programme of work includes knowledge projects, with international scope where possible, that align with IChemE's Strategy 2028+ and the Learned Society Priority Topics and considers projects, communications and policy.
The Energy CoP acts as a point of contact for government and other organisations seeking a chemical engineering view on energy. The CoP will coordinate responses on energy policy in countries where IChemE has a national board.
The topic of energy is inherently multi-discipline, with many of the subject areas prevalent in energy overlapping with the expertise present in many of the special interest groups (SIGs). As a result, the leadership group has representation from the Clean Energy, Environment, Nuclear Technology, SONG and Sustainability SIGs. The SIG representatives regularly update the leadership group with any projects, deliverables, other special interest group activities and are a conduit for expertise in each subject area.
IChemE members can join the Energy CoP to stay informed of the group’s activities, volunteer to participate in projects the CoP is undertaking, and contribute to policy consultations the CoP is engaging in. To join the group and receive notifications of activities, log in and click the 'Join Group' button at the top of the page.
If you have any questions or wish to contribute to the work of the Energy CoP, please contact