Technician Member

Technician Member Stage 3: Professional Review

Once you have fulfilled the criteria for Stages 1 and 2 of the journey to professional registration, you are ready to commence Stage 3, the Professional Review, which is the final step to becoming an Technician Member. At the Professional Review stage, you demonstrate your competence and commitment to the profession.

The Professional Review comprises two components:

  • a review of documentary evidence (compulsory)
  • an interview (at the reviewers request).

Documentary evidence

Competence and Commitment Report

The main component of the documentary evidence is a Competence and Commitment (C&C) report. The report includes the following sections:

  • Section A: Evidence that you have the ability to use process related knowledge and understanding to apply technical and practical skills
  • Section B: Evidence that you’re able to contribute to one or more of the following: (de)commissioning, design/development, modification/refurbishment, manufacture, construction, operation/maintenance, quality assurance, cleanout, environmental/waste management of processes, systems, equipment or devices
  • Section C: Evidence of ability to accept and exercise personal responsibility
  • Section D: Evidence of use of effective communication and interpersonal skills
  • Section E: Evidence of your personal commitment to appropriate codes of professional conduct; recognising obligations to society, the profession and the environment.

In order to prepare your C&C report, please download and complete the C&C report template.


You must also provide details of two supporters for your application who can:

  • verify the contents of your C&C report; it is therefore important that they know your work. They will tick the elements of your report that they are verifying;
  • confirm that you are of the required level to become registered as an Engineering Technician.

One of your supporters should be an engineer professionally registered with any Engineering Council-listed institution; a signatory of the Washington Accord or of ENGINEERS EUROPE. The other should be someone who knows your work very well, usually your line manager. Of course, they may also be professionally registered but this is not necessary.

Once you have completed your C&C reports, send it to your chosen two supporters to review and ask them to complete the supporter/verification form, and send it back to you for submit as part of your application.

All sections of your C&C report must be verified. A third verifier may be approached if they are verifying certain aspects of your report. If you have any difficulty finding a supporter, we suggest you contact your local member group or special interest group, HR/personnel department within your company, or perhaps your (former) tutor. If you have exhausted these options, please email the membership team.


Once your Competence and Commitment report has been assessed, you will be informed if an interview is necessary. Interviews are not usually required but may be organised at the professional reviewer’s request. Should an interview be required we will contact you directly to arrange a suitable date, time and venue/media. If an interview is required, you will be provided with additional guidance.

How to apply

To request a Stage 3 assessment, please email your completed C&C report, supporter/verification form(s), CV and photo ID to