Approval process
The training approval process can take as little as eight weeks if the course content meets the required standard after a single peer review phase and appropriately knowledgeable peer reviewers are immediately available. A typical peer review is completed three to six months after payment has been received and all course materials are submitted.
If the content requires further modification or the topic area is particularly specialist, the process can take a little longer.
Peer review feedback is given in writing. A time limit of 12 months, from receipt of the application, is enforced to re-submit or revise applications and complete the three-stage peer review process.
To protect your intellectual property and copyright, IChemE signs a non-disclosure agreement before beginning the peer review process.
Next steps
- Apply
- Non-disclosure agreement signed
- Pay
- Peer review
- First feedback (re-submit to meet required standard — if required)
- Second feedback (re-submit to meet required standards — if required)
- Third feedback (re-submit to meet required standards — if required)
- Notification of final decision — pass/fail
Contact us if you would like more information about the application process.