
Contributions to policy issues

IChemE carries out its policy work through a mixture of joint activities with kindred bodies and solo activity.

In the course of our work, IChemE staff work with members to proactively develop policy advice on areas where global need meets chemical engineering expertise, and also to respond to requests for consultation. We carry out this work in areas where IChemE has sufficient member expertise and engagement with policymakers – chiefly the UK, Australia and New Zealand.

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2024 September: Australia’s Draft Principles of a National Water Agreement (IChemE Response)

IChemE responded to Australia’s Draft Principles of a National Water Agreement. The response also helps with addressing the current and future environmental challenges as outlined in the Government's 2021 Intergenerational Report - Australia over the next 40 years.

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2024 July: Protecting and promoting organisational capability in process safety - lessons from the energy sector

IChemE hosted a roundtable with experts to discuss the safe future of the energy industry, and how to ensure process capability is protected and promoted as the sector moves away from oil and gas.

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2024 March: Unlocking the workforce for the green transition

IChemE convened a roundtable discussion with a range of expert voices from parliament, industry, academia and the third sector to explore how to make this policy objective a reality, and how to ensure that talents from all areas and communities across the UK can play a part in and fully benefit from this crucial work.

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2023 December: Battery Energy Storage System safety

IChemE hosted a roundtable on Battery Energy Storage System safety, involving experts from professional engineering institutions, industry, academia, and regulatory bodies. This document summarises some of the key themes from the discussion.

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2023 August: Keeping the Power On: Our Future Energy Technology Mix (IChemE Response)

IChemE responded to an inquiry by the Energy Security and Net Zero Commons Select Committee, looking at how the energy mix of the UK needs to change in the near future and what technologies might be applied immediately to deliver a national capability to keep the power on while delivering against net zero targets.

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2023 August: Hydrogen Head Start Consultation (IChemE Response)

Australia's Hydrogen Head Start Program plans to accelerate development of Australia’s hydrogen industry, catalyse clean energy industries, and help Australia connect to new global hydrogen supply chains. IChemE has responded to the nineteen conversation starter questions across a range of subject areas outlined in this discussion paper.

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2023 July: Australia's Industry Growth Program (IChemE Response)

IChemE responded to the Australia's Industry Growth Program (IGP) consultation paper. The IGP program focuses on the support for innovative small and medium business enterprises to commercialise ideas and expand their business. The IChemE response covered areas such as projects eligibility, program governance and grant assessment, program design and its alignment with other initiatives.

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2023 July: Supporting Responsible AI - Discussion Paper, Australia (IChemE Response)

This consultation raised several questions in the context of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ADM (Automated Decision Making) and explores measures which can increase public trust and confidence in the development of this technology. The response covered a wide range of questions including potential risks of AI, regulatory approaches, non-regulatory initiatives, and risk based approach to AI.

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2023 June: Response to CaSE Report: The Skills Opportunity - Building a more innovative UK

IChemE contributed to a report by the Campaign for Science and Engineering (CaSE) on understanding the science and engineering skills gaps and opportunities within the UK through participating in roundtable discussions. The report provided recommendations on how to build a more innovative and research intensive UK economy.

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2023 April: Strategic Advantage through Science and Technology: The Engineering View

IChemE members contributed to this report, produced by the Royal Academy of Engineering in the UK. The report considers whether the UK’s current approach to harnessing science and technology is fit for the scale of need and national ambition.

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2023 April: Australia’s Science and Research Priorities (IChemE Response)

IChemE responded to three questions within Australia’s Science and Research Priorities to help with addressing the current and future environmental challenges as outlined in the Australian Government's 2021 Intergenerational Report.

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2023 February: Response to the Fit for the Future: Growing and Sustaining Engineering and Technology Apprenticeships for Young People Enquiry

As a partner to the NEPC, IChemE contributed to this response to the Apprenticeship Enquiry, and in addition, participated in a UK Parliament roundtable discussion on the topics covered by the enquiry.

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2023 January: Australia’s Critical Minerals Strategy - Discussion Paper (IChemE Response)

This response was produced by IChemE members in Australia with support from the IChemE Learned Society team. It draws upon IChemE’s expertise within the mining and critical minerals industry and aligns with the Institution’s position on climate change.

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2022 December: Technological innovations and climate change: onshore solar energy (Environmental Audit Committee – EAC, UK Parliament)

This response was produced by IChemE members in the UK and draws on the Institution’s expertise within the clean energy sector.

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2022 October: Skidmore Review of Net Zero (Report by the National Engineering Policy Centre (NEPC))

As a partner of the NEPC, IChemE worked with other engineering institutions to produce this report submitted to the Skidmore Net Zero review.

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2022 October: A Competitive, Dynamic and Sustainable Future: Interim Inquiry Report by The Productivity Commission (TPC), Australia

This response to the Australian Productivity Commission report was led by IChemE members in Australia with support from the IChemE Learned Society team. It aligns with IChemE’s position on climate change and demonstrates the commitment of the Institution in upskilling the future chemical engineering workforce towards a sustainable future.

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2022 September: The Role of Hydrogen in a Net Zero Energy System (Report by the National Engineering Policy Centre (NEPC))

IChemE worked with other engineering institutions to produce this report which outlines outlines key risks and uncertainties that must be addressed if hydrogen production and use is to be low-carbon.

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2022 February: Response to BEIS Select Committee Inquiry into Net Zero Governance (Report by the National Engineering Policy Centre (NEPC))

As a partner of the NEPC, IChemE contributed to and endorsed the submission of evidence to the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Committee on Net Zero Governance.

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2022 February: Australian Government, Low Emissions Technology Statement 2022 (IChemE response)

This response to the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources consultation on Low Emissions Technology Statement 2022 was led by members in Australia. It aligns with IChemE’s position statement on climate change and demonstrates the need for a systems approach supported by skills to deliver emissions reduction through technology.

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2021 November: Rapid 'Low Regrets' Decision Making for Net Zero Policy (Report by the National Engineering Policy Centre (NEPC))

IChemE and other engineering institutions worked together to produce a report on low regret decisions that are urgent steps for policy-makers that will have a significant impact on decarbonisation.

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2021 September: Decarbonising Construction (Report by the National Engineering Policy Centre (NEPC))

IChemE worked with other engineering institutions to develop this report that illustrates four interconnected drivers that urgently need to be addressed if we are to transform and decarbonise the built environment.

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2021 September: Six engineering ambitions for the UK Spending Review (Submission to the 2021 Spending Review from the National Engineering Policy Centre (NEPC))

IChemE, along with other UK engineering institutions, sets out six priorities for investment for the 2021 UK spending review, that are necessary if the government is to deliver its ambitions to ‘build back better’.

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2021 July: Infection-resilient Environments (Report by the National Engineering Policy Centre (NEPC))

A cross-discipline group of engineers, including members of IChemE, advised the UK government on the strategic challenges and immediate measures that can be taken to make buildings more resilient to infection.

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2021 March: The New Zealand Climate Change Commission Draft Advice (IChemE Response)

This response to the New Zealand Climate Change Commission consultation on their draft advice to the New Zealand Government notes the alignment with IChemE’s position statement on climate change and the importance of emissions reduction.

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2021 January: The Role of Hydrogen in Achieving Net Zero (IChemE Response)

This response to the House of Commons Science and Technology Select Committee call for evidence notes the potential for hydrogen as an energy vector but points out that some hydrogen generation processes produce significant quantities of CO2 which would need to be disposed of. It notes the need for a wider systems analysis to ensure that any hydrogen is targeted at the most suitable end use, such as high-grade industrial heat, and stresses the importance of managing the safety of the full hydrogen supply chain.

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2021 January: The role of hydrogen in achieving Net Zero (National Engineering Policy Centre (NEPC) response)

IChemE contributed to the National Engineering Policy Centre’s response to the House of Commons Science and Technology Select Committee call for evidence on the role of hydrogen in achieving Net Zero.

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2020 October: Considerations for PPE Reprocessing based on International Practices: A Commentary from the National Engineering Policy Centre (NEPC)

This paper responds to the government’s PPE Strategy for England. It was compiled by industry experts mobilised through the NEPC, including the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) and the International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering UK Affiliate (ISPE UK), following an international consultation with engineers and manufacturers in countries where various methods of reprocessing have been tested and evaluated.

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2020 September: Engineering a Resilient and Sustainable Future: The National Engineering Policy Centre’s (NEPC) Submission to the 2020 Spending Review

This submission sets out actions to support two of the key priorities outlined in the government’s Spending Review: economic recovery prioritising jobs skills and levelling-up by investing in infrastructure and innovation. The 18 evidence-based actions are grouped under four areas: Net Zero, Innovation, Education & Skills, and Infrastructure. This submission included input from IChemE members.

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2020 August: Nuclear Decommissioning Authority Consultation on Draft Strategy

The response to this consultation was led by members of IChemE’s Nuclear Technology Special Interest Group (SIG). There are over 1,100 members of the SIG and they were all given the opportunity to comment on the document and the consultation questions. Members were asked the questions outlined within the NDAs Strategy 4 (S4) document, responses from members were then collated, reviewed and a consolidation is presented.

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2020 July: UK Science, Research and Technology Capability and Influence in Global Disease Outbreaks

This inquiry was launched by the Science and Technology Committee. The evidence concerns making the medicines supply chain more resilient to pandemics by examining the opportunities and barriers to manufacturing robustness. The focus is on the process engineering aspects of chemical and biological manufacturing routes. This submission was prepared by the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) and the International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering UK Affiliate (ISPE UK).

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2019 November: Creating a Clean Steel Fund: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), UK

A new £250m Clean Steel Fund could support the steel sector’s decarbonisation efforts as part of a wider UK clean growth strategy. This consultation sought the view of key stakeholders to inform the design and delivery of the fund. This submission was prepared by IChemE’s Clean Energy SIG.

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2019 October: Regulated Asset Base (RAB) Model for Nuclear: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), UK

This consultation aimed to seek the viewpoint of key stakeholders on the use of RAB in nuclear power plant new-builds. The RAB funding model has previously been used successfully for the Thames Tideway Project. Translating this success to a capital-intensive project such as new nuclear powerplants could greatly benefit the UK. However, key risks and potential shortcomings needed to be addressed. This submission was made by IChemE via contributions from members.

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2019 October: Developing a National Food Strategy: Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA), UK

The purpose of this consultation is to address the environmental and health problems caused by our food system, to ensure the security of our food supply, and to maximise the benefits of the coming revolution in agricultural technology. This submission was made by the Royal Academy of Engineering with contributions from IChemE members and other professional engineering institutions.

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2019 October: Standards for Bio-based, Biodegradable, and Compostable Plastics: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), UK

This consultation aimed to seek evidence to help develop standards or certification criteria for bio-based, biodegradable, and compostable plastics, and an understanding of their environmental impacts. This submission was made by IChemE via contributions from members.

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2019 July: Building a Safer Future: Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government, UK

This consultation seeks views on new building safety measures. This submission was made by IChemE via contributions from members.

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2019 April: The Future of Engineers’ Regulation in New Zealand – Building System Legislative Reform Programme: New Zealand Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE), New Zealand

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) released the Building System Legislative Reform Programme discussion paper for public consultation. The proposals aim to lift the quality of building work and deliver fairer outcomes to parties when things go wrong. This submission was made by members of IChemE’s New Zealand Board.

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2019 March: Chemical Weapons — POSTnote 596

This POSTnote gives an overview of chemical weapons,including modes of delivery and effects on human health. It also examines the status of international disarmament, and defence against chemical weapons in the UK. Prepared by the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology.

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2018 July: The Future of the Oil and Gas Industry Inquiry: Scottish Affairs Committee, UK

The Scottish Affairs Committee aimed to investigate the future of the oil and gas industry. The inquiry examined how the problems Scotland’s oil and gas industry faces can be addressed, as well as the maximisation of stakeholder collaboration and economic return. This submission was prepared by IChemE’s Energy Centre.

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2018 June: Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage (CCUS) Inquiry: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), UK

A consultation was launched by BEIS, aiming to receive stakeholder input on how CCUS cost reduction targets should be set. The inquiry examines the Government’s commitment to deploying CCUS technology and whether it has a “Plan B” to meet the UK’s climate change targets should desired cost reductions not materialise. This submission was prepared by IChemE’s Energy Centre.

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2018 May: Fire Safety of Construction Products — POSTnote 575

This POSTnote considers how the fire safety of construction products is regulated, how products are tested and classified, and challenges for product testing and the Building Regulations more widely. Prepared by the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology.

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2017 August: Brexit Energy Security: European Union Committee, EU

This consultation was launch by the EU Committee, aiming to receive proposals on key issues for energy security that the Government will need to consider before or immediately after the UK withdraws from the EU. This submission was prepared jointly between the Energy Institute, the Institution of Chemical Engineers Energy Centre and the Royal Academy of Engineering.

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2017 April: Building our Industrial Strategy Green Paper: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), UK

This consultation was launch by BEIS, aiming to receive feedback to the Industrial Strategy outlined by the government. This submission was prepared by Engineering the Future, an alliance of the 38 professional engineering bodies in the UK, including IChemE.

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2016 October: Nuclear Security — POSTnote 540

This POSTnote provides an overview of the key threats to nuclear security, and of UK and international initiatives that seek to address them. Prepared by the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology.

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2016 January: Fulfilling our potential, Teaching Excellence, Social Mobility and Student Choice: Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), UK

This consultation was launch by BIS, aiming to receive proposals on how to reshape the higher education landscape to have students at its heart. Its core aim are to raise teaching standards, provide greater focus on graduate employability, widen participation in higher education, and open up the sector to new high-quality entrants. This submission was prepared via contributions of the Professional Engineering Institutions, of which IChemE is one.

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2015 November: The Relationship between EU Membership and the Effectiveness of Science, Research and Innovation in the UK: The House of Lords Science and Technology Select Committee, UK

This consultation was launch by The House of Lords Science and Technology Select Committee, aiming to receive evidence on the relationship between EU membership and the effectiveness of science, research and innovation in the UK. This submission was prepared by IChemE’s UK Research Committee.

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2015 September: Tier 2 Migration Review: Migration Advisory Committee (MAC), UK

This consultation was launch by MAC, aiming to receive recommendations on its review of balancing migrant selectivity, investment in skills and impacts on UK productivity and competitiveness of Tier 2. This submission was prepared by IChemE via contributions from members.

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2015 April: Nurse Review of Research Councils: Department of Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), UK

This consultation was launch by BIS, aiming to receive recommendation on how to support research effectively, to ensure that the UK continues to support world-leading science, and invests public money in the best possible way. This submission was prepared by the IChemE UK Research Committee.

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2015 March: The Dowling Review of Business, University Research Collaborations: Department of Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), UK

This consultation was launched by BIS, aiming to receive recommendation on how government can support relationships between UK businesses and the UK’s world-leading university researchers by reducing complexity and foster and support relationships between researchers and business, particularly for smaller firms looking to innovate. This submission was prepared by the IChemE UK Research Committee and includes contributions from member of Heads of Chemical Engineering UK (HCEUK).

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2014 February: New Nuclear Power Technologies — POSTnote 457

This POSTnote reviews new and potential future nuclear power technologies. It also outlines the regulatory approach toward new nuclear build and summarises some of the related challenges. Prepared by the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology.

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2013 January: Maximising the Value of Recycled Materials — POSTnote 425

This POSTnote provides an overview of the way materials are recycled in England and how their economic value can be better exploited. Prepared by the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology.

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2012 February: Low Carbon Technologies for Energy-Intensive Industries — POSTnote 403

This POSTnote discusses carbon dioxide (CO2) abatement technologies for these industries and policies to support their adoption. Prepared by the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology.

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2011 May: DECC Carbon Capture & Sequestration Roadmap: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), UK

This submission was prepared for the Advanced Power Generation Technology Forum and provides comments on the DECC Carbon Capture & Sequestration Roadmap. This submission was prepared by the IChemE Energy Conversion Technology Subject Group.

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2011 April: Nuclear Research and Development Capabilities: The House of Lords Science and Technology Select Committee, UK

This consultation aimed to investigate whether the UK’s nuclear research and development (R&D) capabilities are sufficient to meet its future nuclear energy requirements to 2050. This submission was prepared by the Engineering the Future alliance, of which IChemE is part of.

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2010 March: Changes to the Regulation of Biological Agents and GMOs in Contained Use, UK

This consultation responded to a series of questions regarding the regulation of biological agents and GMOs. This submission was prepared by IChemE via contributions from members.

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2010 January: Ensuring Water for All – Water Efficiency in South East England: The Environment Agency (EA) in collaboration with the South East England Development Agency (SEEDA) and Atkins, UK

This consultation aimed to gain input from multiple sectors of society and the economy regarding the efficient use of water resources. This submission was prepared by IChemE via contributions from members.

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2009 September: Proposals for a New 5 Year Strategic Plan: Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), UK

This consultation aimed to address a new strategic plan for the BBSRC. This was achieved through touching on subjects such as food security, next generation bioenergy & biorenewables and big data. This submission was prepared by IChemE via contributions from members.

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2009 September: Call for Evidence: Setting Science and Technology Research Funding Priorities: House of Lords Science and Technology Committee, UK

This consultation called for stakeholders to provide opinions on the utilisation of public funds for science and technology research and what changes can be made to improve processes. This submission was prepared by IChemE via contributions from members.

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2009 September: A framework for the Development of Clean Coal: Department of Energy and Climate Change, UK

This consultation aims to address the general engineering aspects of the clean development of coal. This includes views on retrofit and CCS in new coal power stations. This submission was prepared by IChemE members in collaboration with members of The Royal Academy of Engineering, The Energy Institute, The Institution of Civil Engineers, The Institution of Engineering and Technology and The Institution of Mechanical Engineers.

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2008 September: HEFCE Strategic Review of Sustainable Development in Higher Education in England: Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), UK

This consultation aimed to receive recommendations on the extent and nature of student engagement in the higher education sector in England. This submission was prepared by IChemE via contributions from members.

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2008 July: Review of Future Direction in BBSRC – Funded Research Relating to Environmental Change: Biotechnology and Biological Science Research Council (BBSRC), UK

This consultation aimed to provide feedback on the review of BBSRC research relevant to environmental change. This submission was prepared by IChemE and Royal Society of Chemistry.

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2008 June: Review of the Quality, Management and use of Both Natural and Social Science in the Food Standards Agency: Government Office for Science, UK

This consultation aimed to provide feedback on the quality, management and use of both natural and social science in the Food Standards Agency. This submission was prepared by IChemE and Royal Society of Chemistry.

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2008 May: Sustainable Development in Policy Making: Food Standards Agency (FSA), UK

This consultation aimed to provide feedback on sustainable development in policy making, linked to FSA’s remit of protecting the interests of consumers in relation to food. This submission was prepared by IChemE and Royal Society of Chemistry.

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